"Crimes" by Holding
The Victoria Police annual report has revealed assaults rose by 805 last year from 28,138 in 2004-05 to 28,943.Total crimes against people jumped from 38,885 to 40,421.
During the past financial year property crime fell by about 1800 to 277,970.
Police Minister Tim Holding attributed the rise in assaults on the introduction by Victoria Police of a code of practice that had improved the way domestic violence was investigated.
"The culture of silence around domestic violence appears finally to be lifting," Mr Holding said.
However, crimes against people have been increasing steadily: 14.9% over five years.
Culture of silence
Sweden has discovered a truth that has been quashed across Australia: If you want stable families, with more children, less domestic violence, more productivity, and better-adjusted children, support the father.
James Adams of fathers4equality Australia reports that on a recent edition of Insight, the Swedish government spokesperson's statements were edited out completely, yet that was the message he tried to convey.
Now, that is a culture of silence.
The 'culture of silence' surrounding domestic violence is lifting, yes, but not the way Mr Holding's rutted thinking suggests.
Men are making more complaints against women, and justifying them before the law.
Lawyers and other counselors are not coaching women to make spurious claims because the federal courts require more than allegations -- some proof is now required -- or the process moves on.
A new silence is rising though. The silent vindictiveness as Victorian police and courts attempt to justify their prejudices by making criminals out of ordinary people (-- and losing track of their duty to protect the ordinary person against real crimes.)
And opposition leader Tim Wells states that the government is misleading the public, again:
Mr Wells said a 14.9 per cent increase in assaults over five years needed further explanation.
"They were expecting a 7 per cent increase in family violence and they actually had a 3.6 per cent decrease (in domestic violence)," he said.
"We now need an explanation from the Police Minister and Chief Commissioner who were justifying the rise by saying there was an increase in reporting of family violence."
Violent crime has risen. Domestic violence reports, despite an aggressive attempt -- by the police -- to increase them, have dropped.
What's going on here? Have Tim Holding and Rob Hulls found a magical cure for an social epidemic?
Nah, look a little wider afield. Most of those allegations of domestic violence were spurious to begin with, Mr Holding. The lawyers have caught the drift, as usual pretty quickly.
The federal courts - the Family Court of Australia and Federal Magistrates's Court -- are now taking a "Put up or shut up" attitude towards domestic violence allegations. Over three-quarters of these complaints are dropped immediately.
This tactic no longer hijacks the divorce and settlement process, saving families and taxpayers millions of dollars each month. Far beyond the financial benefits to society and families, less pain is inflicted on children and parents.
Zealots are always dangerous
Despite the zealotry in the new "Code of Practice", the numbers dropped.
That's none of your doing, Mr Houlding. In fact, it could be intuited that your new "Code of Practice" is only making things worse.
Your new Code of Practice in endangering the lives and property of ordinary people, Mr Holding.
Greed and Vindictiveness
This is not the first or the last time real figures will illustrate the simple notorious fact that the Intervention Order process has been abused across Australia by greedy women and their counselors. The whole divorce industry is based on greed first, not the welfare of the family or Australia.
You can stop your make-criminal programs now, Mr Holding. Or are they generating too much money for the government to put into political campaigns?
No, it is not a secret that half the monies collected for most programs for the public benefit end up in political campaigns, Mr Holding. Every adult in Victoria knows it, and many of the children.
It's absolutely astounding how cluey the kids are about this stuff; and how low their regard for the police and government is because of it.
They watch their families torn apart by lies, destroying their faith in their parents. The kids watch their parents insulted and belittled by pontificating strangers; strangers who clearly have no idea of the truth in their families.
Holding and Hulls have tried to vindicate their zealotry and failed. Legalized vindictiveness has long been a driving force for the divorce and breakup industry.
How long will it take to correct these monumental mistakes?
As Rob Hulls said only yesterday:
"These are four outstanding appointments (to Victorian high court positions of zealous feminists and pro-feminists) and I expect each of them will make a significant contribution to the Victorian justice system in the years ahead," Mr Hulls said.Yes, it will be years. Perhaps another generation or two in Victoria will suffer from the residues of these toxic thinkers and their prejudices.
Frankly, the Victorian police have a tough enough job to do without the political game-playing by Holding and Hulls, and even Wells.
There are real criminals and real crimes out there to deal with.
Most of the officers on the police force are good people. They have been poorly led and not supported when they attempt to do a professional, fair job.
Holding and Hulls are just playing for votes to keep Bracks in office. The rise in violent crimes can be interpreted easily as caused by the focus on the alleged "domestic violence crisis", and the loss of focus on those real crimes. Police officers only have so much time in each day.
If Holding and Hulls want to do something constructive, let them start retraining the police and all the supporting services to the concepts of equality before the law and innocence before proven guilty.
Make-criminal policies, like the new code of practice, only destroy the public confidence, which is already disgustingly low, in the police and the courts.
Legal Aid, 000 operators, social services and the institutions that train them are the places to start.
Without such an effort, the brilliant changes in the federal courts will only have so much influence.
Paul Donley
Unknown, at 9:11 AM
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