Life Changing Injury

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Talent for Denial

The Herald Sun reports today that there is a mental health crisis in Australia.

In 1994, just after years of crippling economic depression, 4.7% of Australians had a mental health problem. In 2004, it had reached an alarming 10.4% !

Genetics and reality in human beings indicate that between 1 in 6 to 1 in 5 people will have a mental health problem at any given time. That is a home truth, Australia.

Until the mental health system finds, and deals, with those figures - between 16% and 20%, there is no mental health system. Home truth.
Having a list of educated political hacks who will misinform the public about their health to make politicians look good is criminal, not responsible. Did the Herald Sun get these unidentified figures from the Australian Psychological Society?


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