Life Changing Injury

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


My first meeting, the Injured Persons' Support Group was pretty well established. There were over 20 people at the Friday meeting.
Sitting back, I could see the politicking and struggle for leadership, even ownership, of the group. Pretty much common stuff.

One man had been one of the founders of the Group, but the combination of his injuries and depression had lost him a strong position as leader. His personality was not suited to leadership in these circumstances. His background made him expect the meetings to be a time for organizing a movement, while most of the others only wanted to visit.
One couple was "doing everything." Their bid for leadership was by example.
All in all, the meeting was mostly organization, and I didn't see that they needed my help.
I just sat back.

After the meeting, the man who had helped found the group approached me.
He asked about me, and told me about his injuries. He mentioned that he often was unable to stand or walk, and spent the days drugged up and asleep. Something in his words opened me up.
All that is in the previous posts and more came flooding out. I vented my heart and soul to this stranger. He was the first person in years that would listen.


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