Life Changing Injury

Monday, June 19, 2006

Its not a joke

From 2004-05

Case took 20 months. Father paid at least $60,000 in solicitors' fees.

There was never any allegation of abuse or incompetence made against the father with respect to the children. Allegations of physical abuse against the mother were unsubstantiated and dismissed.

Father's contact: 22%

Mother's contact: 78%

"My case took approximately 20 months after continual adjournments for reasons unknown. Early on I had to defend myself against false charges of abuse against my former wife (AVOs). The judge eventually threw these allegations out.

I had done nothing wrong and 2 child counsellors had said I was a good father but strangely they (both women) wouldn't agree with my request for 50/50 access for my kids. They both said I wasn't the Primary Carer and they didn't believe in 50/50 Equal Parenting Time.

"After Justice Boland made an interim decision, that was actually illegal and actually a final decision, that the kids move with their mother to Victoria, I knew then I had little chance of seeing more of my kids.

NB. Boland had assured everyone that the case would be given priority and it would be heard within 4 to 6 weeks in Melbourne. After about 4 or 5 weeks, I rang Melbourne to find out what was going on and they told me that they hadn't even heard of the case !!

But as soon as they got 'wind ' of my appeal against Justice Boland's decision (I was going to represent myself after getting sick and tired of throwing money away on Barristers)

I got a call from the Family Court that my case would be heard in about a week and the judge would be Justice Kay !!

"Justice Kay apparently had a reputation, the wrong sought of reputation.

Unfortunately it proved correct. He wouldn't accept my affidavit and wouldn't give a proper reason. Again everyone agreed that I was a good father but it made no difference.

Boland had done the damage and Kay was too weak to do anything about it. Even before I sat down in court, Kay started on me. He treated me like a criminal. I pulled him up numerous times on hypocritical mistakes and his obligations but it didn't make any difference.

He set out to destroy me in his court and I suppose in the end he got his way. I wrote a letter of complaint, but unfortunately these complaints are heard by a fellow judge !!

A joke. These judges answer to no one.

"I now see my kids only every second weekend from Friday night to Monday morning
and half of all school holidays even though the counselor recommended I see more
of my three young kids.!!

I also have to do 90 % of all the driving (they live an hour's drive away). My ex-wife got 70 % of all assets even though she came into our marriage with very little.

She has been rewarded for taking the kids away interstate from NSW while I was at work at our business. She also cleaned out the house and lied to the kids!! A reward for wrongdoing and all to the detriment of my three kids !!"
(reproduced here by request)

Attorney-General Rob Hulls of Victoria says the magistrates are "the finest people he knows." You have to wonder what sort of people this AG runs with.

Magistrates and judges in Victoria seem to find great amusement in their jobs at the expense of men. They know there is no oversight or standards for their performance, -- as a couple of letters from Hulls and his Justice Department here state clearly -- so they may as well enjoy their work.
The magistracy is a closed fraternity. At each level, the judges magnify the corruption to cover one another.

As you can see from this factual case, the judge simply ignored the recommendations of independent professionals and returned the standard judgment.

The best way to illustrate the incredible discrimination is to look at the statistics. Australia must truly be a sick society. 87% of all men in Australia, whether born here or not, are abusive -- 8 out of 9. As soon as a man steps onto Australian soil, he is a statistical certainty to be an Abuser.
That's ludicrous, of course, but that is the statistic these courts have produced.

This prejudiced system is notorious. Anyone who has experienced it realizes the blatant discrimination against men. And everyone associated with the legal profession is aware. Ob was told about how it works by a friend of a friend, a paralegal. It is a dirty little secret.

Ob threatened me a year before filing any complaints, not with seeking protection for herself and her daughter, -- At the time, she admitted that wasn't necessary. -- but with the statement that she had "found a way" to remove me from my home and take my possessions.
It was simply a threat of extortion. I was incredulous and unbelieving then. She carried through her threats.

At the time, I was barely able to walk. I was crippled with a deteriorated right hip. I was struggling with the idea that I was going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair or hospital bed.
If these are examples of the "finest people" the Attorney-General knows, he really needs to find some new friends.
This brutish, illegitimate system is supported by the court clerks, social workers and volunteers, state legal aid, police, police prosecutors, and lawyers -- all sworn officers of the court. They are all trained to that nationally insulting statistic.

If these people were to follow their oaths, they would refuse to carry out the magistrates' orders; they would step forward and report the dalliances with the court records; and they would be ethically and morally disgusted with the performance of these courts.


  • Yeah Hulls is a shocker. Adopts all the right-on attitudes to ingratiate himself with the harpies.

    He's a buffoon.

    He was racing minister for a couple of years and nearly disappeared up his own orifice trying to please this and that group.

    Although upon reflection he did give the bookies a bit of leeway against the tab monopoly.

    He's still a prat.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:30 PM  

  • Better Ted the Toff than Hulls the Horrible.

    Jack Booth, Bangholme
    Herald Sun, 23 Jun 06, p23

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:33 PM  

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