Home Truths - the full story
You can imagine the feelings that move you are the same as for the Americans and Western Europeans when, in 1951, they first saw Mao's 'Little Red Book, then realized that it had delivered the whole of China into his hands in 1949.
Or what western scholars felt when they realized that the 'Little Red Book' had been used to form the strategy that removed the French from Indochina in 1956.
This site is a public exposition of strategy, goals, and tactics for subverting the whole of Australian law, national character, and even individual personalities - even to point of genetically altering the make up of the Australian population based on sex. There are three papers here which discuss how to eliminate 7-8 million male Australians.
It is a bold statement of intention, ironically fully funded by the governments the writers and presenters intend to destroy. You can only guess the authors assume the very boldness is the best means to obscure their intentions.
It is hate-mongering in a bold, attractive - verbose - wrapper.
For a full examination of the breadth and depth of intellectual conspiracy to provide disinformation to the Australian public and influence political action, look to the government sponsored 'Home Truths' conference, held in Sept 2004 at the prestigious Sheraton Towers Southgate.
This gathering of intelligentsia could easily be misconstrued as an in-depth study of domestic violence and abuse, but the overall statement of nearly every presentation is clear: Domestic violence is to be equated with abuse; and all abuse is done by males in Australia.
A good example of the misleading tokenism is in Dr Michael Flood's paper, "Changing Men: Best practice in violence prevention work with men". After a token nod to the a balanced perspective in the Introduction:
..Most men are not violent and most practise consent in their sexual relations with women. ..
Dr Flood goes on to expand upon strategies to change the attitudes and even the personalities of millions of men in Australia, clearly assuming the opposite of that one tangential comment.
A noticeable exception to the rising tide of anti-male hysteria evident in these papers is from Ms Lee FitzRoy, BSW, MA. PhD candidate RMIT University, Melbourne.
I hope the paper will contribute to current debates and assist us in making sense of and responding to women who hurt their children. The challenge for us is not to pathologise and blame women, but to take action in relation to their violence, respond appropriately to protect vulnerable children and to incorporate understandings of ‘difficult’ women, who may be both victims and perpetrators of violence, in our theoretical frameworks and practice strategies.
Australia is a signatory to international covenants which define violence against children as a violation of basic human rights . In addition Victorian State legislation defines physical assaults on children as criminal.
The statistical evidence of women’s violence against their children is contested territory but there are some statistics that are generally acknowledged, if not discussed widely, within the child protection, family violence and sexual assault fields. Women commit between thirty-one – fifty percent of physical assaults on children (ABS, 2001; Motz, 2001; AIC, 2001). Mothers commit almost fifty percent of the recorded infanticide (Morris and Wilczynski, 1993) and women perpetrate between two – seven percent of sexual assaults against children (Finkelhor, 1986; ABS, 1996, 2001; Motz, 2001; AIC, 2001).It is worth noting that often researchers identify that, for example, sixty-nine percent of perpetrators of such and such crime are men, but fail to discuss who perpetrated the remaining thirty-one percent. Within family violence research often a gender-neutral term such as ‘parent’ or ‘care giver’ is used,.. (emphasis added)
It is a wonder that in a conference where three papers discuss the efficacy of reducing the male population of Australia to 10% or less that Ms Fitzroy's presentation was even allowed.
I doubt her presentation was well attended though.
One paper about this genocidal proposal even goes on to label pro-feminist men, such as Dr Flood, as frightened hangers-on who want to be a part of the remaining male population, after the genocidal policies have been enforced.
In 1996, the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare first published figures on the gender and biological relationship of the perpetrators of abuse against a child victim: 968 men and 1138 women.
In a critique of comments made by Messrs Holding and Hulls in September on this blog, I questioned the Ministers' training in critical thinking - because the report they ited clearly was a misappropriation of taxpayers' funds. The paper's title indicated the report was about the cost of violence for all Australians, but in the Preface stated clearly that no data had been gathered about males.
I doubt now that they ever bothered to read the report, but were attendees at the Home Truths conference. The most significant disinformation, cited by Hulls and Holding in September, was in a nicely-done Powerpoint presentation - which did not include the fact that the report was misnamed and intentional disinformation.
The same disinformational publication was subsequently cited by other representatives of the Bracks' government in the following few days a few times.
You have to wonder why the people responsible for such decisions don't put in the time to know the facts?
Contrary to most of the conclusions, strategies and plans of the Home Truths conference, a growing body of knowledge is emerging around the globe. Because of the influence of radical feminists and their pro-feminist hangers on, Men's groups are becoming the only source for such information to be disseminated.
For example, a recent article posted on Mens News Daily by Teri Stoddard:
American Heritage Dictionary
Hatred of men.I’m a woman and I used to believe what the media said about men. Now I know better.
The media constantly exposes us to inaccurate, negative impressions of and statements about men. In looking for the root of the problem I found a network of people who benefit from misandry. Many of these people work for or with the family courts or domestic violence services, often both. I wonder if the Violence Against Women Act funds misandry. As I wrote in It’s Not Your Mother’s Fathers Movement Anymore, I watched as representatives from domestic violence and feminist organizations slandered fathers to defeat California’s 2005 Shared Parenting bill:
“Fathers who seek custody, they’re not all great fathers.” That was the truth according to Mira Fox, who runs Child Abuse Solutions, Inc…Fox said, “Children are often given into the custody of abusive fathers”…
Fox’s organization, by her own testimony that day, trains people in the family court system how to litigate and adjudicate child sexual abuse cases. Is Fox guilty of misandry or ignorance? The January 2005 Male Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment states:
…fathers are, “less likely than other male perpetrators to be involved in sexual abuse.”
The Administration for Children and Families says:
In 2004, 45.6% of child victims were maltreated by their mothers acting alone or with other and only 19.5 percent were maltreated by their fathers acting alone or with other.
Last week I came across a pamplet by the California Women’s Law Center called Teen Dating Violence. Teen dating violence is indeed a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Is it acceptable that their brochure is only about males who abuse and female victims? Is this misandry? Studies show not only are female teens increasingly violent, girls are more likely to victimize their partner than boys are.
The plan is already in place and working. You can read the details and follow it in the media from the papers on the 'Home Truths' site. I feel like I'm watching a revolution; a country so concerned and full of itself that it is ignoring the real threat to its existence almost standing next to itself.
The government has filled the nation with fears of Islamic Terrorism. It is pre-occupied with the drought. While the proponents of White Ribbon Day use a career criminal and convicted murderer for a spokesperson; then openly state their intentions to reduce the male population to 10% of Australia, with impunity.
No one would dare question their self-righteous zeal.
Where is the responsible media?
Didn't anyone allow themselves to understand what they were reading?
Even more, where are the Men's and Family Rights' groups and organizations?
Wouldn't they be the first to recognize and oppose such publications and their publicly stated goals?
My note to fathers4equality-Australia in reference to a study by Johan Lidberg about the quality of Freedom of Information in Australia:
Freedom of Information article in the Sydney Morning Herald
The full text of Lidberg's doctoral thesis, a comparison of FOI across the globe
Here is another area where fathers4equality can take a public stand to establish its social consciousness beyond the narrow view of changing family law. Freedom of Information affects the goals of equality before the law directly and significantly.
Members of fathers4equality and other groups, such as SPCA and NCPP, should make the government aware that they are constantly watching progress and digressions in Freedom of Information, and will hold the government along with individual members accountable.
Hanging onto the narrow view that changing the law will solve all the problems is blinding the Men's and Family Rights' movements. Whatever gains may be achieved in the law can be reversed and even disregarded by moves in other arenas of politics. You would think after 30 years and many revisions of a law essentially saying the same thing, the lesson would be learned.
Does it have to be said? -- There are two aspects to any law: the enactment and the implementation. If pressures are put upon those who implement a law, the effect can be that the word of law is essentially ignored and the opposite of the spirit of the law becomes fact.
An example? No Fault Divorce. Or the wording of Family Law in Australia throughout 30+ years and a half dozen reiterations of the same wording that has resulted in groups like this protesting the misapplication of the law.
The goal is not to change the law. The goal is to change how the law affects people. That means changing how the law is applied and administered.
CJ of the FCoA Diane Bryant understands this idea. She has changed how the law is administered directly in the Family Courts, and is attempting to affect how it is administered at all levels across Australia.
Organizations which seek to make positive changes (depending on your view) have to become watchdogs of these changes and vocal critics of the progress of these changes.
To do that, organizations must show an awareness of the scope of what affects the implementation of the law, such as Freedom of Information (along with health, education, mental health, disability, funding, etc.). I assure you all that the opposition understands this concept very well. You'll find opposing organizations wallowing in government funding because they address a broader range of social issues, only to gain credibility for their hate- and fear-mongering against fathers and men.
If you doubt this, read some of the papers and presentations made in Sept 2004 at the 'Home Truths' conference held at the Sheraton in Melbourne.( http://www.hometruths.com.au/ , complete with their own website...)
The government of Australia and Victoria paid out thousands for this anti-male disinformation convention.
You'll find three papers there proposing the male population of Australia be reduced to 10%. One paper even states that pro-feminist men are only in that role because they want to be part of the remaining men.
This is genocide, or did you miss that?
Is this the sort of thing you want your tax dollars funding?
But if organizations do not work to remain aware of this sort of convention, and do not work to comment on it, this will become the driving philosophy which defines the implementation and administration of law.
You, we, are already suffering from the effects today.
Unknown, at 11:20 AM
This site is really scary. Up til now, I've given these people the benefit of the doubt, allowing that somewhere inside they all really wanted the same thing I did: equality before the law. I thought some of the more outlandish ideas they put forward were just expressions of frustration that come from a sincere wish to see change.
This isn't a wish for change; it is a plan to control and shape identity, person by person.
But this stuff is a threat, spelled out in detail with tactics and strategy, out in the open - a statement of arrogant confidence.
They seemed to have completely duped such leaders as Hulls, Holding and Bracks, along with numerous others. Hulls, Holding and the spokespeople for the Bracks government were citing these intentionally and blatantly misleading reports without any attempt to judge their accuracy or veracity.
This group could tell them anything.
For the first time, I find myself reacting like a conspiracy-monger. Every swirling tale of conspiracy up til now I've just written off. Now I see a conspiracy so confident the conspirators will get government funding and announce its intentions - to subvert and control the people and government of Australia - openly.
It boggles the mind.
Unknown, at 5:23 PM
No wonder my ex was so confident she could use the Intervention Orders and the courts for extortion.
Unknown, at 5:24 PM
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