Best Interest of the Children?…
Having admitted that the father was the prime caregiver while the mother was too busy furthering her own interests, the judges nevertheless allowed her to renege on her agreement and to remove the child as if she was a piece of luggage to be carried to where ever the mother wished.
This would have been the perfect opportunity to prove that judges, indeed, base their decisions on the presumption that the only consideration is the best interest of the child. What was delivered instead was another example of bewildering rhetoric, page after page.
Political leaders are terrified of the Women's Rights movement since it got into domestic violence and divorce issues. They are afraid to draw a line in the sand and say, "Enough!"
I believe that society is run by psychotic freaks who act the part of
our best advocates. They know exactly what they're doing, how it works
and why. And their little messes are no accidents. They're getting the
results they want from the system they designed to do exactly what it
does so well.
It only seems broken because we take them at their word when they lie
in describing their "goals". Once you realize their intent matches the
result, that their goals are purest demonic evil the spell will be
You don't petition Hitler or Charles Manson for redress or vote him
out. You yank his ass out of the seat in a hurry. The problem is not his
MISTAKE or what he might DO in a given position of authority. The
problem is that HE'S there to begin with!
I hope that I never reach the point that these are my conclusions.
--->> To petition devils in an attempt to get them to act like angels is a
fool errand. It honors the idea of bad people in bad institutions
generally wanting what's good for us.
My hope is this: There are more of us than them. That's their
inherent weakness because the few try to take advantage of the many and keep
the priveleged club as small as possible. --Keith M, fathers4equality list on Yahoo
Unknown, at 11:11 AM
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