Life Changing Injury

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Quotes to Consider

Good quotes to consider:

"Thus we see that these sexual roles - mother and father, husband and wife - are not just arbitrary categories into which people are squeezed; they are broad patterns and principles of behaviour which define the optimum ways in which men and women can relate together, enjoy intimacy, and provide a context in which children can grow up healthy and
--Prof Peter W Blitchington, "Sex Roles and the Christian Family", page 95

"Finding roles for women isn't the problem, finding one for men is", == Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

"The effect of small sex differences - which are barely noticeable in most circumstances and for most people - at the extremes is profound...

The fact that men in general have more drive, ambition, single-mindedness and competitiveness ensures they always show up at the sharp end of the pyramid, whether or not some women have then in equal measure,"
-- Sociologist Andrew McIntyre.

"Finding roles for women isn't the problem, finding one for men is", == Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

"The quality of maleness and femaleness is intimately woven into the overall fabric of personality. Human beings are not biologically bisexual...

The human spirit is greatly impaired when childhood
development does not lead to fully developed masculinity or femininity. Fully masculine men and feminine women are by definition mature, and that term implies the ability to live out one's abilities.

These include the capacity to mate, live in harmony with a member of the opposite sex, and carry out the responsibilities of parenthood. Mature people are competent and masterful; not only can they make families but they can take of hold of life generally and advance it, and in particular they can replace themselves with healthy children who become healthy men and women...

The fate of mankind depends on the durability of the heterosexual relationship, and the stability and integrity of family life".
-- Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst Harold Voth, article "How much longer can the family survive?", in Mothers on the March newsletter, vol 1 # 2, July 1979, page 2. Voth is author of "The Castrated Family"

"Finding roles for women isn't the problem, finding one for men is", == Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

"....The key link in the whole chain is the pivotal point around which all societies turn, namely, the family. Everyone must turn attention to teh task of making it flourish. Then you must make your voice heard as individuals and as organizations or as coalitions of organizations.

We must fight back against the social movements which are destructive to our way of life. We must preserve the vitality of our people and provide these vital and vigorous people a context, that is, a society in which it is possible to find the freedom to express their individuality.

This means, above all, preventing the passage of laws which ignore the differences between people, in particular the difference between a male and a female, and which undermine the security and stability of the family and the nation. Strong pioneer families created this country; strong families and strong leaders will save it."
- Harold Voth.

"Finding roles for women isn't the problem, finding one for men is", == Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

"When laws are passed which prevent individuals having a sufficient freedom to find their best fit in the environment, we are in serious trouble.

Our way of life is based on individuality, personal freedom, and the freedom to find expression of one's abilities. Personal abilities are related to sex identity; there are fundamental differences between men and women.

When the process of selectivity between the individual and society is seriously interfered with by law, an eventual decline is the result, simply because people will be forced to fill positions which would be better filled by others."
- Harold M Voth, M.D., Senior Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas.

"Finding roles for women isn't the problem, finding one for men is", == Margaret Mead, anthropologist.

Let me put it to you this way: You've probably heard of Margaret Mead. She's been an internationally acclaimed anthropologist and social commentator for decades. But you've probably never heard of any of the other people cited here.
Now, if you look again, you may see everyone cited here is in agreement. It's just a matter of detail. And that explains why Mr Voth calls it the "Castrated Family."
Somehow, society has lost a role for men.

There will be many new and exciting ideas coming from this intense debate. We will be seeing the maturing of law, civil and human rights. New leaders will step forward. Their ideas will shed a light on a dark abyss in western society.
Or there will no longer be a thing called "western society."
I hate being apocalyptic. I just wish sometimes I was alone.


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