Life Changing Injury

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Buzz! 12 Jun 2007

"Why should you want to know? -- What do you care about the future??"
-- from the Rock Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, "The Buzz!"

Months ago, I experimented with a series of articles called, "The Buzz", but the concept never really jelled in my mind. A few trials and experiments, and "The Buzz" fizzled. I think I've found my inspiration and focus now in the lines from the rock opera, 'Jesus Christ, Superstar'.
"The Buzz" will be a collection of short references and quotes from the day's activity on various forums, and national and international news - accompanied by my comments where appropriate; and the snide remarks of others when inappropriate, I'm sure.

Sperm Snatchers (?)
Coming from a generation where men and women were taught "When a girl says No, she means Yes.", that this sort of story has hit the national and international press makes the oxygen a little thin.
There were movies down through the decades showing a woman saying the 'right things' while ripping off her own clothes and presenting herself to a man.. The verbal 'no' definitely meant a acted out 'yes'. These scenes were parodies, but -- like all good comedy -- the deep grounding in common experience made them hilarious.
The topic makes me think of one girl who, after we had had sex, turned herself upside down on the couch to "help those hot little spermies"... Real life can be funnier than any imagination!
"Meet the sperm snatchers" in The Sun prompted another wave of declarations about the Marriage Strike (where men refuse to marry because of prejudiced laws).

As one pained father states:
And from my point of view as a father, I have absolutely no idea what to tell my three sons as they grow older into adulthood; about life as a married man or father etc. I have had two marriages and have only got misery and nightmares to remember for the whole duration of both marriages. However, I do have six rays of sunlight or pots of gold, that I have gained from these two marriages. Although, I would never want to go through my marriages ever again, I thank God every day for the six children He gave me as reward for my pain.
The trend for the modern parent is to fret about their sons relationships. Will these boys be happy; or will they be out on the street "with a restraining order against them, with no belongings, no home, no dreams, no children, no future, no job, no life - then only death."?



ALL DAY EVENTS BOTH DAYS - 8am to 4pm or later

Contact your local F4E group or other Mens' Rights group. A number of people are offering free accommodation for the demonstration to be held on the Capitol Lawn.

PAS has been declared a "Relational Disorder"
To submit comments or suggestions..

The DSM-V will include a new category of syndromes and disorders called "Relational disorders", to reflect the growing understanding that some disorders of the mind are not simply one-sided, but occur only when two or more people are involved.
I've got to say it seems to have taken a long time for the active scientific minds of psychology and psychiatry to recognize this sort of thing in the primary diagnostic reference. Any schoolchild can tell you about peer pressure; and many who got into serious trouble will struggle to explain the idea of the crowd mentality, both commonly known examples of 'relational disorders" that have been studied for centuries.
Interestingly, in the 20th century, historians spoke often of 'relational disorders' (before the term was coined) while psychology has been largely silent.
School counselors will offer a long litany of examples, then tell you that "this sort of thing is not diagnosable.." -- Who said truth is stranger than fiction again??

Quick note for clarity
DSM criteria needed for a relational disorder:
  1. There are distinctive features for classification;
  2. They can cause clinically significant impairment;
  3. There are recognizable clinical courses and patterns of comorbidity;
  4. They respond to specific treatments; and
  5. They can be prevented with early interventions.
This is a victory for those who see PAS as a psychological and social problem that must be addressed. Previously, PAS could not be a disorder amongst other personality disorders in the DSM-IV because it was not a problem located in one individual, but rather in the family context.

The age of Intent

At what age are a child's wishes significant to the court?
One magistrate considers 12-14 to be about the age where the child's expressed preferences are to be considered.
Another magistrate will listen to a child if "a 7 yr old child comes to me and says he wants to live with one parent because he experiences worries with the other, then I will give him what he wants. You parents have no rights..."
At what point in the parenting process did any parent surrender their rights?
Even more so, how can any magistrate vacate the civil, legal, and human rights of anyone without due process and some proof of wrongdoing? This is an example of magistrates taking the law into their own hands, literally, to ignore the word and spirit of law by abusing the rule of law. Nowhere in any legal document is this sort of loose cannon (sic, canon) allowed.

In fact, such arbitrary interpretation - even if it is repeated and supported by precedent - is expressly forbidden to any officer of the court.
And nowhere does a magistrate have the authority to vacate the rights of parents out of hand, either in practice or policy; since such rights are given to all people - and parents - by law.

And finally, Teri Stoddard:
How Can Feminists Hate Men When I Find Them So Loveable?

We love you too, Teri.

Most of "The Buzz" today was taken from the Australian Fathers 4 Equality group newsletter. Membership is moderated, although largely open. If you have an article that you'd like to see included in "The Buzz", please feel free to post a comment or email.

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