The BUZZ: Thurs 18 Oct 2007
What's the buzz?! - Tell me whatsa happening!
Why should you want to know? What do you care about the future?? -- Jesus Christ, Superstar
Simon asks, "Does anybody know how many CSA clients die each year?"
Ash Patil, to every member of Fathers4Equality, Australia:
"I would like to ask for the support of each and every member from this list during this critical 6 week period. I think many of you would be aware that family law reform could be set back decades if the coming federal election delivers control of both houses to those candidates and parties representating anti-father and anti-family sentiments. Let's not underestimate the importance of this election to our cause."Ash has clearly chosen to forego federal funding for Fathers4Equality for a while. The Howard administration has proven its willingness to deny and cut funding to organizations which take a political position, no matter how personal or close to home.
Two people with a mutual propensity of abuse actually *do* wind up together more often than not, actually. Just read what the actual social science on it, free of political pollution, looks like. It's *the* most common pattern, far more than either man-as-perpetrator *or* woman-as-perpetrator.-- Dean Esmay from his San Diego Mens Center blog
Read Insult-to-Injury: Rethinking Our Response to Intimate Abuse by Linda G. Mills. Mills was of predictably savaged by both right and left for her work, but was especially savaged by the so-called "feminist" (read: raging misandrist) set. Cathy Young and others have risen to her defense nobly, but sadly very few on either the right or the left are willing to look at this issue rationally. I've about convinced myself that the problem is genetic: no one can conceive of the abusive woman. Lefties are forever in thrall to the image of the Oppressive Male, and righties are forever in thrall to the image of the Female Who Must Be Protected. There seems to be no way out of the cycle. None of it will penetrate the dedicated partisan's soul.
One of the more important points Dean makes is when a man or a woman comes to the Mens Center, they are treated equally - something that is not available at the 2000 or so Womens' centers around California.
It is with great pleasure that I (for the second time in as many years!) have secured a commitment from Amnesty International' s International Secretariat in London to remove false and misleading statistics on violence against women from their websites and printed materials, and to conduct "thorough checks on the sources of all statistics to be used on the Stop Violence Against Women campaign pages" in the future. - from the F4E newsletterSadly, like so many other small victories, this announcement will have to remain anonymous in the public forums. However, Greg is due enormous congratulations from the sad but privileged few.
(You almost want to wish the women's organizations would allow men into their leadership because whole organizations would benefit from a more balanced and fair perspective. -ed.)
Take notice this is only the beginning of filings across the nation!!!LANCASTER COUNTY, Pa. - Two county men have sued 15 defendants — including the Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas and their own lawyers — accusing them of conspiracy in child support cases. (full stories here...)
Figures Lancaster County would be the first for something like this. Those big ole farm boys are too smart to be held under too long.
Other stories from the international press:
Labels: amnesty international, deansworld, f4e, organizations, The Buzz
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