Life Changing Injury

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Stark clarity

A recent nationally-published article informed young men not to have children in Australia.
The article began as a petition signed by more than 55,000 men in just over a month. To understand that number in American terms, the number would be multiplied by at least 20 -- representing 1,100,000 people.

It's not surprising. The laws here may appear similar to laws in other nations, but here there is no constitutional guarantees of civil and human rights. If that simple fact were to taken before the UN and the World Court, it would be seen as a breech of human and civil rights. Australia could lose its membership in the UN; or be forced to renegotiate the treaties about trade and mutual protection.
Most Americans would turn away in disgust.

Millions are spent each month to seduce young men and women into the aussie military. There are 70,000 berths, and only 55,000 are filled. It's not really surprising though. Who would be willing to fight for a country that held its citizens as the lowest level of the society -- only the elderly, disabled, and foreigners are lower.
As the nation ages, that fact will become more and more starkly clear.


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