Life Changing Injury

Thursday, November 10, 2005


A thousand years from now, Australia will be remembered as a brutish remnant of colonization. Its legend will be that of a country founded by convicts. A nation that never really matured, and in the end abandoned its people.

If anyone remembers this small country at all, it will be in those simplistic terms.
A nation that has to borrow its history from the US and UK because its own history is just one racist cycle after another.
As people seek to find good aspects of this sad history, they will say that the country produced a disproportionate number of sports champions for its population. And someone else will say how most of them wisely left the country when they realized what was really going on here.

This small nation on the foot of Asia is known for the rude nature of its people. Asians will remark with disdain how Australians were only required by law to work 10 months out of the year, not counting public holidays; and then only 36 hours a week. They'll chuckle and rock their heads remembering the long days in long years that their people worked.
It will be no wonder that Australia disappeared.

This is a nation that covers its brutish history by teaching and preaching the history of other english-speaking nations; pretending to uphold those principles by cowering behind a historical mask. Australia is still the only english-speaking democracy without the courage to constitutionally guarantee civil and human rights to its inhabitants.
In the end, as the nation finally has to face the test of history, that fact will be its undoing.


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