Life Changing Injury

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Penned Frustration

Days like this, when forces beyond my control force me to be unproductive, my mind drifts to the mad swirl of the Men's Rights movements around the globe.

Class action suits were discussed on fathers4equality and MRA for weeks, then forgotten in a warm huff. Now I find that US and UK men's organizations have instituted a number of them:

Join YOUR County Class Action Lawsuit now!

Figures a bunch of pig-headed OKies would start that stuff up! Mah hart will always be Suthun.
You go, boahees
On thing somebody's gonna find out about Texans and Oklahomans is they won't stop til they drag the carcasses out. -- And then they'll curse you from the grave!
Too bad the aussies can't get their stuff together on this kind of thing ...

There must be a million of these organizations across the US, Canada, UK, and Australia -- and I haven't even looked at Europe yet.
Sooner or later, the politicians will realize the RadFem movement is a paper tiger. They can't deliver the women's vote. They're just running on bile and exaggeration. But until these men's groups get their acts in the same line somewhere, the fear-driven politicians will go on believing this hollow rhetoric.

And it doesn't help that every time someone gets frustrated, they spin off a new group, email list, or something. One of the guys from the fathers4equality list decided that "fathers" for equality was too exclusive, so we needed a "families" for equality list.
I wonder if I should tell him that "families" still excludes the millions of single men -- like me -- who think equality before the law is a good idea too?
We got fathers4 equality all over the US, Canada, and Australia, but soon we're gonna have damned near "anything"4equality. And the message will just get more diluted.

The Men's Rights Agency in QLD (check the link on the right)is doing some practical, good work supporting a limited number of cases every year. I have to say that Sue and Reg Price have the right idea: Defeat the legislation and the legal structure one precedent at a time.

If NOW (National Organization for Women) can come to include 2 million members across the globe at one time, -- It's down to about 300,000 now. -- of men and women, then the name of a group doesn't matter, it's how they do what they do. That name is pretty exclusive, IMO.
There was a time when I would have called myself a feminist. Now, I still fit with the critical feminists' thinking. The radical thinking has caused so much damage across the world.

There are those who are bending their considerable academic skills to researching to make the arguments for various changes to the laws. It's hard to want to belittle their efforts, but I still see much of their efforts as attempts to engineer society. You would think the failure of communism, if not hundreds of other small attempts -- including Family Law itself -- would teach anyone that social engineering only causes problems that can't be fixed.

Surrendering the underlying principles of law doesn't work either.
Intervention Orders (AVOs or DVOs, or whatever they're called) are contrary to the established principles of western law. I imagine the original authors thought they were necessary and would be handled with care, but they opened up a gaping maw in the law that has only destroyed people by the millions across the world, and especially Australia.
This foul maw vomits people's lives into society's toilet by the tens of thousands each week even in a small country like Australia.

You would think that any law that was so notoriously abused would send a signal to lawmakers that something had to be done, but it doesn't. Politicians are too frightened of the paper tiger of RadFems. (Hint: Most women are not going to vote that way. They don't think that way.)
Any law that is so notoriously easy to abuse because it depends on perjury ("Mandatory and necessary", in the words of one local expert.) to support the "due process" is disgusting.
This law is one of the best examples in history that due process does not produce justice. History will deal very harshly someday with the lawmakers and others who have condoned this travesty.
I just hope they get it fixed before the judgment of history is too harsh.

The RadFems have convinced the politicians and legal system to threaten and destroy men's homes, livelihood and children. You'd think a simple practical-minded person would know better.
Any general will tell you soldiers don't fight wars for patriotism, God or Country. The soldier fights for his family and home...This is the great civil and human rights battle of the new millenium.

Some guy in the UK published a list of 126 recent studies showing that shared parenting is better for children than the guilt-driven, winner-take-all custody battles. No kidding. And it took 126 studies to show what is obvious from common sense decades ago?
Oh well.
The courts' winner-take-all mentality is just not the place to resolve emotional issues. Law has to be impartial, and families are all about partialities.

Funny what you find in this stuff sometimes.
Here is a guy citing the wisdom of Emporer Antonius Marcus Aerelius (the founder of stoicism.) The words are great until you are facing someone who is making up lies about you and spreading them all around to your children and friends. I wonder if Marcus Aerelius ever had to deal with Parental Alienation Syndrome? -- Now, that's good for a laugh! (As Emporer, he'd have probably just cut loose the offending member...)

People at A Kids' Rights" are quoting the famous Non-Violent Protesters throughout history: Jesus, St Francis, Ghandi, MLKing, Marcus Aurelius, Thoreau, -- even Constance Lytton, Susan B Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady -- to draw endurance and deterimination.

In the following excerpts we think you will be struck by the problems all these people had in getting their message understood -- and how applicable their message and approach still is for our time!

NonViolent Action in history

Civil Disobedience & Other actions

Somebody in here is gonna claim some sort of copyright soon... But this has become a deep, moral fight for justice in the face of cowardly politicians and unending threats. A moral fight for so many things: self-esteem, rights, and even the foundations of western society.

I'm still looking forward to the day when the lazy, sloppy magistrates are removed, and all their assets put to reparations for those they have harmed. Let the aging magistrates live on the streets where they have condemned first men, then their families.


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