Unfortunately demand
Unfortunately, demand has stayed ahead of supply. Family violence, it seems, is a growth industry. Statistics Canada reports that in 2001, there were 344 incidents of spousal violence for every 100 000 women, compared with 302 in 1995. Last year nearly 56 000 women were admitted to shelters. (Men are abused too, but only 18 were admitted to shelters last year.)Small consolation that numerous Canadian studies show that women are as prone to domestic violence and to be abusive as men. Ths author of this website does not give her name(s), but this is another clear misrepresentation of the facts.
- from The Shelter, The Storm http://www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/services/shelter_stats.htm
In a long lament, “Fear of Feminism – Why young women get the willies”, Lisa Maria Hogeland (who may be the author of the site?) says,
“…Gender consciousness takes two forms:
awareness of women's vulnerability and celebration of women's difference.
Fear of crime is at an all-time high in the United States; one of the driving forces behind this fear may well be women's sense of special vulnerability to the epidemic of men's violence. Feminists have fostered this awareness of violence against women, and it is to our credit that we have made our analysis so powerful; at the same time, however, we must atiend to ways this awareness can be deployed for nonfeminist and even antifeminist purposes, …” http://www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/volunteer/fearoffem.html
Is it to your credit that you have perpetuated a disinformation campaign?
What has been the real value of hate-mongering and sexist propaganda such as you mask behind a site that pretends to be access to a shelter?
By your own statistics, Ms Hogeland, while 56,000 women sought shelter from domestic violence, only 18 men did. This is the sort of discriminatory statistics that feminists once quoted about the military.
(e.g., “51,000 American men died in the Vietnam War; another 6,000 women.” Feminists quoted this statistic for decades as proof of discrimination in the US military. The obvious question is -- How many women do [radical] feminists want exposed to combat?)
As a result of discrimination in funding, disinformation, and outright brutality in the law, radical feminists have created a similar situation for domestic violence around the world.
Again, what you conveniently forgot to mention in your statistics is that Canadian women are as prone to perpetrate domestic violence as men.
If your intention is to show a responsible social conscience, Ms Hogeland, why are you not seeking to provide for those men?
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
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