Life Changing Injury

Thursday, August 10, 2006

CONNEX Suicides - research

In response to a request across a number of online groups for Freedom of Information Act enquiries and further research, Yuri Joakimidis posted this research to the fathers4equality group on Yahoo. (Reproduced here with the persmission of the group and author.)
Please note that the numbers refer to the studies below Yuri's comments.

On Sunday, August 06, 2006 8:06 PM

Paul wrote> Maybe by piecing together information from a number of companies or agencies related to the government by contract we can get a good picture of thenumber of male suicides related to problems with the FCoA (Family Court of Australia.)

Each year more than 1000 Australian men aged 25-44 take their lives and the rate of suicide among these adult males is more than twice the teenage (15-19) suicide rate (ABS 2000).

1 Although the male teenage suicide rate has been stable for the past decade, the rate for adult males has been rising since the 1970s. Most of them are casualties of family breakdown.

Local research into male suicide revealed that males in the 'separation phase' of a marriage break-up were most at risk of suicide, compared with widowed or divorced males. An important Queensland study of 4000 suicides found more than 70 per cent of the tragedies were associated with a relationship break-up. The study conducted by Professor Pierre Baume (1994),

2 Head of the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention at Griffith University in Queensland showed men were nine times more likely to take their lives following a breakā€“up than women.
Another study by Cantor & Slater (1995) 3 of 1375 subjects conducted in Queensland between 1990 and 1992 found that separated (compared with married) males were six times more likely to suicide and this was greater in younger groups
Females may be protected against suicide by child rearing responsibilities.

Interestingly, marriage seems to protect people from suicide. Married people show lower suicide rates than those who have never married, or who have been divorced (Hassan 1996)

4 Overseas investigators are reaching similar conclusions (e.g. Trovato 1986; Kposowa 2000). 5,6
Where children are concerned, there is evidence to suggest that many fathers sense they are being discriminated against in Family Court judgments and often find themselves in financial straits having to pay legal fees and child support payments (Price 1998; Family Law Advisory Group 2001).
7,8 The difficulty in maintaining a meaningful relationship and contact with their children also heightens the frustration and isolation of separated and/or divorced men (Trezise 1999).


1 Australian Bureau of Statistics. Suicides, Australia, 1921-1998.Catalogue No. 3309.0, Canberra, (2000). p 32 Baume P (28th February-1st March, 1994).
Developing A National SuicideStrategy For Australia. In Public Health Significance of Suicide: PreventionStrategies. Proceedings of The National Conference On Public Health:Significance of Suicide, Lakeside Hotel, Canberra

3 Cantor C.H, & Slater P J (1995). Marital Breakdown, Parenthood, andSuicide.

1(2) Journal of Family Studies pp 91-1024 Hassan R (1996). Social Factors In Suicide In Australia. AustralianInstitute of Criminology. No. 52, ( p 45 Trovato F (May 1986). The Relationship Between Marriage Dissolution andSuicide: The Canadian Case.

148 Journal of Marriage and The Family pp341-348.

6 Kposowa A J (2000). Marital Status and Suicide in the NationalLongitudinal Mortality Study.

54 (4) Journal Epidemiological CommunityHealth pp 254-2617 Price S (1998). Scaling The Brick Wall. Presentation To The Forum On Menand Family Relationships. Hyatt Hotel, Canberra

8 Family Law Advisory Group (July 2001). Out of The Maze: Pathways To The Future For Families Experiencing Separation. Report of The Family LawAdvisory Group, Overview and Recommendations, Canberra p 119 Trezise, E. J (1999). Presentation by Suicide Safety Network Inc. to the Australian Coroners' Conference on Suicide Prevention: How Can Coroners Help?' Canberra, p 6.Also see American 19 November 2000

Divorced men twice as likely to kill themselves as men who stay married study found

SUNDAY, Nov. 19 (HealthScout) -- Divorced or separated men are more thantwice as likely to kill themselves as men who remain married. On the otherhand, a marital split is not significant risk factor for suicide among women. ...

Kposowa says the link between divorce and suicide in men holds true even after adjusting for other factors associated with suicide risk, including
age, income and level of education. Race is also a factor, with 50 percent
more white than black men committing suicide.


"Men tend not to talk to their male friends that easily about personal problems in their lives," Meyer says. "And, they also tend not to go to their primary care physicians as easily as women for anything or seek psychiatric help of any kind. The result can be a very scary sense of isolation."

The last paragraph is under a section titled, "What To Do". It is a sad irony that in Australia, there are no facilities for men in such circumstances. A few under-funded hotlines, and a couple of national support groups cannot handle such an epidemic.
And the national organizations for psychology and psychiatry are almost silent on the issues. As has been illustrated here and many other places, the Australian Psychological Society become recalcitrant when their sexist and discriminatory nature is exposed.

Where are the men's shelters and refuges? There are 2500 women's shelters and refuges across Australia.
Why are men considered less than human by the authorities?

It's not a matter of the information not being available to decision-makers,s you can see by Yuri's coverage of recent conclusions. However it can be very instructional to compare Yuri's explication of the facts with the snazzy disinformation presentations recently quoted by Rob Hulls and the Bracks' government spokespeople.

I'm sure the CONNEX report will be made public someday. It will show that of the "more than 1000 men" who suicide each year, 444 commit suicide by stepping in front of CONNEX trains in Victoria because of family court disputes.
That's no surprise considering the way Hulls is loading the Victorian legal system with radical feminists. Is the number rising?
How high does it have to go before Hulls realizes he has blood on his hands?


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