Life Changing Injury

Thursday, August 10, 2006

John Murtari

Is assisted suicide legal in NY?


Contact: Jane Spies 330-534-8948
Teri Stoddard 877-633-1968 ex. 212

International Day Of Demonstration

Loving Father Risking Life In Nonviolent ActionTo Highlight Need For Family Rights
Syracuse, NY – August 7, 2006 -

Inspired by Gandhi and MLK Jr, a faithful,loving father started a nonviolent action for family law reform by refusing
food and water when he reported to the Jamesville Correctional Facility July 31 to serve a 6-month sentence for unpaid child support, a charge he says is unjust.

Four days and 18 lbs lighter, he was in the ER with low blood pressure and a rapid and irregular heartbeat. He's scheduled to get a feeding tube today at the Onondaga County Justice Center where he iscurrently incarcerated.

John Murtari, a gracious, self-effacing ex-Air Force pilot who once planned on being a priest, said he loves his son and provides for him. He contends family courts don't serve the best interest of children when they deny them equal access to both parents by ordering sole custody, which happens in the majority of divorces.

Murtari, founder of A Kids Right, a parents' group seeking congressional hearings and ultimately the passage of a Family Rights Act claims: We are not looking for MORE laws, but Civil Rights protection.

That parents are both considered Fit & Equal -- equal in terms of both physical and legalcustody.

If anyone (a spouse, relative, social services) wishes to challenge that, you have:
1) The right to counsel.
2) The right to be presumed a fit parent, innocent, and deserving of an equal relationship with your kids.
3) The right to protection of a criminal jury. The "state" needs to prove you were a demonstrated serious and intentional threat to your child's safety.

Family law reform Blogger Teri Stoddard asks, "Why do we penalize the children of divorced and unmarried parents by denying one of those parents the right to be equally responsible, not just financially, but physically and emotionally, in every way a mother or father provides for their children?"

Members of Fathers4Justice/US and Canada, FaFNY, the NY Civil Rights Council and A Kids Right are demonstrating in front of the Onondaga County Courthouse in Syracuse, New York on Wednesday, August 9.
Advocates worldwide are adorning trees and statues with purple ribbons and simultaneous demonstrations are planned worldwide.

Additional information:

Prior TV interviews with Murtari
Purple Ribbon Campaign - In Honor of Equal Parenting
Please take a photo of a statue or tree tied with a purple ribbon and send it toteri@akidsrightwith location.

"Which feminist along the way forgot to read the manual?

"Children deserve fully functioning, natural, loving, dedicated relationships with both of their parents, equally, in and out of marriage,whenever possible."

Shared parenting works."
(reproduced here at the request of Teri Stoddard)


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