Life Changing Injury

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Police Prejudice and Persecution Orders have arrived

More and more reports are coming in of a similar scenario.

A couple are arguing. A neighbor calls the police. The neighbor doesn't even have to be involved, or even acquaintances with the couple.
The police arrive to find the couple still arguing. The woman, bolstered by the presentations of the police, shouts threats at the man.

The police issue an Intervention Order on the spot, and remove the man from the house. If he resists, he is placed in custody.
Both partners tell the police that they do not want an Intervention Order. They tell the police they do not want anyone removed from the house. The police tell them it is just their job. They have orders to issue Intervention Orders in this situation.

It is now illegal to argue with your partner in your own home in Victoria.
Rob Hulls stupid and politicized policies have made it a criminal act to disagree with one another. If you want to argue, you must do it in court, not with your partner, but with a police prosecutor whose only job is to get a conviction.
The woman is not required to even appear.

In fact, in two of the stories I've heard, the woman is treated like and idiot victim. She tells the police that she did not want the Order. She tells the police that she wants the charges dropped. She pleads with the police investigator to just drop the charges. One told the police it was just a stupid argumet, that they had both been under a lot of pressure due to finances.
The police tell her that her wishes do not matter. The Orders were issued by the officers at the scene. The woman reports the investigating officers treat her like an idiot, asking questions that have nothing to do with the issues.

The police at the scene encourage the man to sign off on the complaint, telling him it is "just an Intervention Order", and that "Everything will be worked out before the magistrate. Not to worry."

A/G Rob Hulls

Rob Hulls decided this couple should be separated months before the argument, from over 40 kilometers away, without any knowledge of them or their circumstances -- or concern. He made this policy for political reasons.

The wheels of "Justice" turn on.
The woman is intimidated by the police and courts. She does not have to appear, and is reassured by the police that it will all be worked out in the court.

In the court, the police prosecutor and the magistrate have no interest in the reasons for the argument. They are only interested in the form of the police report. -- That form can only be filled out one way.
If the man has representation, his Victoria Legal Aid attorney knows the drill. He or she has no interest in the well-being of the woman, the man, or the children anyway. A Legal Aid attorney is just looking for an easy day and a chance to get to know others in his or her profession.

In one case, the man was asked in court if he had returned to the house. He answered truthfully, "Yes. We didn't see this as any problem. We just wanted to be together (and take care of the children." He had nowhere else to go anyway. -- He was charged with breaching the Intervention Order, an instant conviction.

The breach is inconsequential, really. The same results happened in other cases where there was no breach.
The man is removed from his home.

Police perspective

Privately, police will say that this is an easy way out. If there is even the possibility of violence -- emotions running high, profanity, anger -- they are required to issue Intervention Orders on the spot.

It saves them time. Police are not there to settle family disputes. Over half the on-street time of police officers is spent dealing with Intervention Orders.
The fact that Intervention Orders are easily abused is admitted, but then that responsibility was never in the hands of the police. They are not trained to be mediators; nor do they have time to be.
When asked if this is the best they can do, police will shrug it off and say they are just following orders.

The questions on the form are designed to be answered only one way: the man will be removed. There is no question about the woman being removed. She will remain, even is she has attacked the man and continues to threaten him before the police at the scene.
In the court, her attacks will not even be discussed. The Legal Aid lawyer has been trained not to bother bringing them up. The court is not interested.

It is now possible for someone not even involved in a family to destroy the family. The brutal wheels of "Victorian justice" grind only one way. Hulls and his radical feminist social designers should be proud of the suffering they can cause without even dirtying their hands.
You have to wonder whow they sleep though... Can they feel the tears of children, parents, and fathers in their dreams?


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