How much?
Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying."
Yvonne Chani (Letters 15/7) claims women usually become single mothers because "the father becomes an abuser, a drunk or runs off with another woman".I'd say women become single parents most often because they were not ready to become parents in the first place. Single parenting is hard, but it's a great way to pretend you know what you're doing when you don't.
I have another version - while a small minority of men behave thus,
most women become "single mothers" because they know that if they break up the family, the Family Court will all but certainly award them sole custody of the children if they request it
and 70-80% of joint property regardless of who brought it to the marriage,
while the Government will give them generous welfare and make the fathers pay crippling alimony,
to be spent as the mothers like under the euphemistic guise of child support.
The idea that all men in Australia are drunken abusers is a national insult. It's simply not true. -- PD
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